Delivery conditions

All goods are securely packed to avoid any transport damage to the goods. Usually the ordered goods are ready for shipment within 24h. Delivery of the goods within 2 days after dispatch (Benelux) and 3 - 5 days in the rest of Europe, depending on the carrier's schedule. The goods are delivered by DHL Freight, unless stated otherwise, under CMR conditions.

After shipment, the shipment can be followed via track & trace on the page

If desired, the driver can call one hour in advance. Unless stated otherwise, home deliveries are always made using a distribution vehicle with tailgate. Any costs for a second delivery will be charged to the customer. Deliveries are made only during office hours. Subject to an additional charge, delivery can also be made outside office hours and/or by appointment.

Return policy

Only goods in their original and unopened packaging can be taken back. All transport costs will be deducted from the refundable amount.